Agfest live paint mural

This project was commissioned by local advertising agency The20 and their client, Worksafe Tasmania. The idea was to create a giant mural over four days of Tasmania’s rural agricultural show Agfest, and to have members of the public join in to help paint. Participants returned to visit the mural over multiple days, and see progress and planning come together. I was available to guide the helpers and to chat with people about the mural and its content. I loved the planning part of the process, which was done offsite, all material pre-approved by the client.

All sorts of health and safety issues were covered for the rural community. Safety around machinery, power, asbestos and animals, but perhaps more importantly topics such as connection, loneliness, mental health and positive mindset were discussed.

Icebreaker rural humour was used to start meaningful conversations in the marquee over a paintbrush, these moments made the whole experience magic to be a part of.

The mural was painted using fade-resistant household paints, and finished with acrylic permanent pen. It measures around 1.8m x 6m.

About 50,000 people enjoyed Tasmania's premier agriculural event, Agfest and the final day drew a massive crowd, with about 20,000 people in attendance.


Music Notes


Elizabeth Street Signal Box